Monday, May 30, 2011

Do you feel it tingling? (Don't think dirty now!)

Hey Kids,

So today I’m going to tell you about one of the best feelings you will ever experience. I’m not sure everyone would agree with me on this; in fact, some people think it’s a downright painful sensation, but that really depends on your personality and your outlook on life. What I’m talking about is the feeling of having a crush on somebody. Now, I’m sure that you’ve heard all about it by now—the butterflies in your stomach, that slow languid smile that crosses your face every time you think of them, they way your mind wanders to images of sweet sultry kisses on the beach, or under an oak tree, or in a hammock with the moonlight pouring over you highlighting that twinkle in your significant other's eyes.

This all happens, I assure you. Rest well, I have no desire to rip these delightful images away from you. But crushing is so much more than just liking someone to the point where you can't stop thinking about them. Crushing changes you, ast least temporarily. I'll admit, in some cases it's not for the better. People have been known to do downright stupid things to gain their crush's attention. But in other ways, in most ways I would say, it makes you better.

You begin to pay more attention to yourself. A bit of it is narcism; you care about how you look and whether or not you're attractive. But a larger part of it is that you began to notice how you appear to other people, specifically your crush. You notice how people react to what you say, your body language, the tone of your voice. This perceptiveness you gain is necessary to forming strong interpersonal relationships; you don't want to be the oblivious one, coming off as an obnoxious prat without realizing it. You also don't want to be the bubbly energizer bunny when people are trying to have a mellow time. I'm not saying that you should change yourself. If you are bubble, be bubbly. Just keep in mind your circumstances and tailor the degree of your bubbliness to the situation at hand.

Crushing also expands your imagination. Face it, in all those hours of dreaming about your crush you are bound to create some unique, absurd, and completely impossible ways of meeting, seducing, or simply kissing your object of affection. This is good. Creative thinking breeds innovation and the world could always use more of that. That feeling you have in your stomach of a small parade of ants marching through an amusement park and occasionally riding a roller coaster is fuel for brilliant ideas.

My last bit of advice on crushing is to savor it. Every moment of it. You will crush many times in your lives, some stronger than others, some only on the basis of a cute smile, others on the foundation of a strong personality match. I hope that even after you are married you continue to crush on your husband or wife (I hope this for myself as well.) It is an amazing feeling. You are blissfully happy because you are in a place where you are in control. After the crush, things can go downhill in the form of rejection or embarrassment. If you snag your lover, you may discover the problem of running a relationship into the ground, or simply running out of love. Things become complicated after the crush. It is inevitable.

So relish it. Take it in, and hold it in that stomach of yours. Hold it like you hold your breath under water, hold it until you burst. I know I am.

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